Friday, September 22, 2006

Ars Poetica

This blog represents a collaborative effort between its two authors to write, develop and (in its way) publish a collection of songs and poems derived in inspiration from the third chapter of the fourth book of William Carlos Williams' Paterson. The songs will be written by the following method:

- The Chapter will be read and studied in detail.
- The Chapter will be divided into narrative and thematic movements.
- These movements will be titled.
- Poems will be written from these titles; the connection between the resulting poems and the original text may be tangential, at best.
- These poems will be linked with music; at this point, more changes may, of course, occur.
- Songs will, then, be songs.

The larger purpose of the blog will be to share this work with any interested parties, with feedback welcomed. There is no hope of material gain with this project - it is purely for what the kids call "kicks." What do you think we are? Millionaires?

1 comment:

brd said...

So, clarify again. You are reading this chapter. Then you are assigning yourselves themes and writing poems. Is that right?