Friday, February 09, 2007

A Brief, Paterson-related Announcement

For any of those who find these types of things interesting, Conversely and I will be visiting the town of Paterson, New Jersey, locus of Williams' epic poem and inspiration to this project, on March 3. Our hope is to have all the poems done by that time, with the exception of "The End (Oh, Passaic)," which we each hope to compose a draft of from the shores of Passaic Falls State Park. If we can stand the pressure. In any case, the trip feels like a validation, at least to me, of what we've been doing here, and I'm very excited to walk down the Bourse and River and Ison Streets for myself, looking for the haunts of Ginsberg and Williams before him, and maybe even having a drink from Godwin's Taproom, across from the old county courthouse. Rest assured, we will write up the story of our travels when the time comes, but until then, be thinking of your friends and faithful travelers...

Thanks, everyone.

T. Az.

1 comment:

brd said...

This is surely a fit way to cap this project. I don't want it to be over though.

Perhaps, there will be a sequel. Hint, hint.